Work related


The relationship between employers and employees is governed by employment law. Employment law outlines what employers can expect from their employees, what employees can be asked to do in their role and the rights of both employer and employee.

Employment law is complex and changes frequently. As an employer you need to ensure that you are up to date with the latest legislation, statutes and statutory rates. As an employee you need to make sure that you are treated fairly and that your rights are covered. 

VP Legal Solicitors act for both employee and employer – our services are detailed below:

As an Employee

As an employee you have certain rights, these rights can vary according to length of service, the terms of your contract and changes to Employment legislation. It’s our job to make sure that your rights are protected and to provide representation if they are breached, ensuring that you make the best choices for your specific situation.

VP Legal Solicitors are experienced in all areas of employment law, helping you to resolve situations such as discrimination, dismissal, or changes to contracts, often negotiating compensation on your behalf if it is warranted. You may be facing redundancy, or unfair dismissal, if so it’s more important than ever to get the correct advice for the best possible outcome.

As an Employer

As an employer you have a responsibility to ensure that the correct procedures are in place to deal with various employment rights issues, that will arise from time to time.

Typically the issues that you may need to deal with can include discrimination, dismissals, employment tribunals, redundancy, severance pay and settlement agreements amongst others.

VP Legal Solicitors can advise on the correct procedure to address these issues and help your business to remain up to date with any changes to employment legislation going forward.

For a free initial consultation, contact Vincenza Perkins at our Burton Latimer office 01536 722266 or Huntingdon Office 01480 400692, or use the contact page on this site.


  • Breach of Contract
  • Discrimination
  • Equal Pay
  • Harassment and Bullying
  • Holidays
  • Redundancy
  • Restrictive Covenants
  • Settlement Agreements
  • Tribunal Representation
  • TUPE
  • Unfair/Constructive Dismissal
  • Unlawful wage deductions
  • Victimisation
  • Your Rights as an Employee


  • Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures
  • Dismissal Advice
  • Employment Contracts
  • Handbooks and Policies
  • Health & Safety
  • Human Resource Advice
  • Redundancies
  • Restrictive Covenants
  • Tribunal Representation
  • TUPE